Kates Detective & Security Services Agency And Special Events Services, Inc. | About the Company
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About the Company

About Us

Through our dedicated service, systems and integrated solutions to serve, secure and care for the people and businesses in our communities, we have won the trust of residential, commercial, government and industrial customers throughout the country. Our relationships with our employees and clients remain our core priority each and every day. When Kates’ partners with you, you can be assured that you have a partner who understands your security challenges and we will find the solution to meet your needs and aspirations.
We believe in protection through anticipation. Our management team consists of former senior law enforcement and military officers and industry security professionals who specialize in coordinating customized security solutions that address our clients’ needs while ensuring an attentive and responsive customer service program.

Our Vision

Kates is a privately owned certified Minority and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (MBE and DBE). Our main office is in Chicago IL., we are licensed and bonded to operate in the state of Illinois since 2001 and we are also a GSA Schedule 84 Contract Holder.
Our service capabilities are strategically designed to meet the Clients primary Safety and Security needs and requirements. In general, we envision protecting assets while formulating unique loss prevention strategies based on specific client needs. At Kates our operational philosophy places major emphases on Trust, Respect, Safety, Security, Quality Service Dedication, Innovation, and Teamwork.