Kates Detective & Security Services Agency And Special Events Services, Inc. | Employees
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One Team. One Goal.


The Executive Leadership Team at Kates Security Services wants you to know that we take your safety and well-being seriously.  Our anonymous tip line is here to provide you with a way to inform us of any harassment or safety issue you believe you are or have experienced.  These issues include:

⁃Sexual Harassment

⁃Work Place Violence

⁃Suspected criminal and unethical conduct

⁃Time theft (falsification of timesheet)

Send and provide as much information as you feel comfortable keeping in mind we will need to know the location.  If your concern regards a member of our supervision, administrative or management team, we will need to know that persons name.

Lastly we don’t need your name or contact information if you do not want to provide.  You can create a temporary email address or send by email that does not provide information about you.
