Kates Detective & Security Services Agency And Special Events Services, Inc. | Solutions
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Given the growing demand for trained experienced uniformed officers, our security experts have developed a comprehensive security service package that addresses your specific needs, whether it is for your business or your home. Our security officers are trained and certified as mandated by Illinois State Law (225 ILCS 447/25-20). We provide; Armed/Un-Armed Officers, Concierge Condominium Desk Officers, Special Events Officers, Mobile Patrol Units, VIP Executive Protection.

Security Officer Management Program

Kates not only provides a dedicated security guard team to protect your facility but we also play a leading role in managing the transition of security guards for clients interested in outsourcing and improving the performance of their current security program.

Investigative Services

We provide comprehensive searches for corporations, law firms and private citizens who need information to support suspicions of misappropriations, fraud, product loss or other activities where you require assistance. We provide; Business Intelligence, Private Investigations, Litigation Services, Background Checks.


We provide Security Support Services categorized as consultancy. Our areas of expertise include: Risk Vulnerability Assessments, Physical Security Reviews, Technical Security Assessments.


We manage our own in-house training academy, this allows us to monitor the content and quality of our training program in real time. Our program includes a comprehensive Basic Skills and a refresher training curriculum for the officers deployed to your location. Our program goes further than the two (2) core elements mandated by Illinois State Law (225 ILCS 447/25-20) for all employees. Customer Service is a standard training series that features verbal de-escalation techniques; plus basic Defensive Tactics Training series and more.

Kates ATR Class in session

ATR Program

ATR, or Access to Recovery, is a federally-funded program that provides clients with access to services that can help them break free from their use of alcohol and other drugs. Kate’s ATR program allows participants to access vocational training in several different fields including: Medical, Construction, and Security.

Visit here to see if you qualify.

Conceal Carry Licensing Classes

16-HOUR for those without NRA basic pistol training. This course may be taken with no previous experience and is the only training needed for the permit. The course is offered over a 2-day period. Range qualification is offered every week. 8-hour class available for active, retired, or honorably discharged member of the United States Armed Forces

20 hour Basic Security Class

This course meets the requirements of the department of professional regulation as outlined in the detective act. It covers security fundamentals for new officers and provides a review for experienced employees, who want to earn state certification in this course. Students will receive a PERC (permanent employee registration card) which is needed for employment with private security agencies. Also 8-hour and 16-hour Classes available.


Allows fingerprints to be scanned for FBI and State agency background checks, providing the perfect solution for employers needing to make a sound hiring decision.

16 Years Of Dedicated Service